How to Create Interesting Stories to Enjoy? Here are 12 Writing Tips!

7 min readNov 2, 2022


Do you have enough ideas that you want to put into writing? Or maybe you want to share stories about life experiences that are interesting and useful for others? There’s nothing wrong with writing for the audience to enjoy. How to make an interesting story is not as difficult as you think. To recognize the basics and tips of writing when writing a story, read this article to the end, OK? Because I will discuss how to make interesting stories and explain what kind of stories are good for readers.

What does a good story look like?

Good and interesting stories have value in them (source: pexels)

There is no definite benchmark for how good a story is. However, you can see how readers react when reading a story. In addition, see if there is value that can be drawn from the story, both in fiction and non-fiction stories. Although there are many genres of writing out there, a good story must have a moral message, interesting discussion points, and a captivating storyline to attract people’s attention to reading. Make a story with a plot and discussion that is packaged naturally so that readers can also draw the same understanding as your purpose in writing the story.

12 Ways to make an interesting story to enjoy

Creating a story is not difficult with these tips and tricks (source: pexels)

When you write, you can explore things with various methods. But the following ways to create stories can be an inspiration for novice writers like you. Come on, see the following tips!

1. Determine a clear and outstanding theme

When you want to write, you have to know what the discussion will be about in the story. Try to choose an interesting theme to discuss. Later, this topic can contain several chapters or sub-chapters so that your story does not look long-winded and does not make the reader lazy to see writing that is too long.

There are many themes that you can choose from various sources. For example, from the results of fantasy thoughts that appear in your mind, or it could be from real life that you or someone closest to you has experienced. It doesn’t need to be complex, you can choose everyday topics that can be a concern for other people too.

2. Know who the target readers are

Not all stories can be consumed by all ages. If the topic or theme you bring up is the theme of teenagers, teenage romance, or even someone’s condition when experiencing a quarter life crisis , then you can adjust the language used with a light tone of language. Also pay attention to the choice of words or terms used so that readers can easily understand the contents of your story.

As for stories that target children’s readers, you can use this style of speech in everyday life because children are easier to understand such language style compared to something formal or slang. By recognizing who the target reader is, you can choose the style of language, the delivery of the story, the content of the story, and the message you want to convey in a story. This one tip must be done so that you are not confused when writing the story later.

3. Make a writing frame

Outlining or the process of making an outline of writing is very necessary in how to make a story. The goal is to make it easier for writers to stay on the main topic of discussion and not spread to other topics. The existence of a writing framework also makes it easier for writers to understand what the contents of the story will be written.

You can write down some of the core stories of the themes you have written. For example, if you want to write a story about how life is after graduating from college. So an example of an outline or writing framework that you can write is:

  • Graduation process
  • How do you feel when you approach graduation
  • Feelings of anxiety
  • Problems experienced
  • Solutions or answers to problems experienced
  • What to do after graduation
  • The message you want to convey or the end of the story

That is a rough example of an outline that you can apply to this tutorial on how to make an interesting story. You don’t have to make it exactly like the example, develop your own version of your outline . Make more than 5 points that describe the core of your story later. From these frameworks, you will develop a point into a series of interesting paragraphs or chapters.

4. Use storytelling techniques

Many writers say that the way to create an interesting story can not be separated from the storytelling technique . The storytelling method is not only used in audio media or verbal delivery, but is also good for applying when making stories. The basics of storytelling will make readers feel comfortable when following your storyline.

Tips, pay attention to the flow when you tell the story. As we know there are several types of flow that can be used, but don’t let it confuse your readers, okay? Make it seem as if your writing can “sound” like a friend is telling a story.

5. Strengthen the character of each character

An interesting story to read is a story that can bring the reader to feel the same atmosphere of the story. From this point, the next way to make your story interesting is to strengthen the characters in the story. Maybe character A is the protagonist, character B is the antagonist, and so on. You can also explain directly how the character of each character is and add a little background picture of the place, the past, the perspective of each character in a problem, and other details about the character.

6. Insert dialogue with colloquial language

Adding colloquial dialogue to the story can strengthen your story, you know . Use quotation marks (“) to start and end a conversation.

7. Set paragraph length and word count

In addition to paying attention to the side of the story being told, you can also take into account the length of paragraphs and the number of words in one chapter . There are some writers who apply a system that every 3–4 lines will replace paragraphs or you can also limit that one paragraph only contains 5–6 sentences.

Apart from setting the length of sentences in each paragraph, you can also set the amount of story exposure in one chapter . For example, if you stick to the outline that has been made, then one chapter contains 4–6 points. Well , from there, make sure that each chapter will not end hanging, but can still be continued in the next chapter .

8. Provide conflict and climax moments

Another key to how to create a story is to add conflicts from existing characters. But don’t let the conflict portion be too much, OK! Because it will confuse readers and seem like too many problems are forced, thus making your story look unnatural.

After giving the conflict, also add a climactic moment where the problem experienced earlier was at its peak and headed for a resolution or solution. The climax moment in this story mostly occurs when there are enough problems and must be ended immediately so that the story does not get long-winded.

9. Stay in the groove

The problem that is most often experienced by a writer is the discussion that sometimes extends from the main topic of discussion. This is where the importance of the outline is made, so the writer will continue to write the story according to the plot that was made at the beginning. It’s okay if you want to expand and add a new outline to your story. However, make sure it still relates to the points discussed earlier.

10. Add a plot twist

In order not to get bored, insert a plot twist in your story. Creating a plot twist requires a ‘crazy’ idea from a writer who can impress the reader with the story because the plot is beyond their expectations. Use a plot twist that stays in line with your story series so that readers can still enjoy it.

11. Re-read the results of the writing

After the story is finished, try to reread your writing. You don’t have to wait for the story to be finished in its entirety, if you are finished in one chapter , try rereading the writing in that chapter . So you don’t have to repeat a lot when the writing is finished until the end of the story.

12. Evaluate, revise and practice

It’s okay if your writing isn’t perfect and still requires revision. That means, you have the opportunity to improve your writing and understand how interesting and good stories are from various readers’ perspectives. Keep evaluating the results of your writing, fixing what needs to be improved, and keep practicing making new stories.

Writing stories is not only a channel for hobbies or thoughts, now there are enough opportunities to become content writers at well-known companies that you can try.




Hai, I’m Haris. I am a Writer living in Indonesia. I am also interested in reading and writing. You can read