Want to be a writer? Here Are Simple Tips To Be A Good Writer!

6 min readNov 2, 2021


Simple Tips To Be A Good Writer

Want to be a writer? Here Are Simple Tips To Be A Good Writer- Writing is an unlimited space to express our thoughts. Starting from just status on social media, works of poetry or short stories, even serious themed content on blogs . Without realizing it, reading and writing have become an inseparable part of our daily lives.

Well, some of you may want to be more serious in writing and improve your writing skills, whether it's just to fill in personal blog posts or those that are professional and have spawned books.

Previously, I told you first: being a great writer is not easy.

Being a great writer like C.S. Lewis, Nora Roberts, or Stephen King takes hard work and dedication, but it's all worth it. No writer is perfect, but every writer can perfect his work by becoming a better writer. Regardless of whether you are a beginner or a professional writer, let's take a look at some tips to become a good writer!

1. Often read the works of famous authors
Frequently reading the literary works of writers who were famous first will make you more sensitive in writing later. Reading can also be a process of imitating great works (in a good sense). If you don't read often, you won't know what kind of writing will become a hit or how to write it.

As a writer, reading is a great start to anything. Through this, you will know what a good writing mechanism is, and what kind of style suits you. Reading can also produce new views or inspiration for your writing.

2. A lot of practice
Like a knife that needs to be sharpened to stay sharp, your writing skills must also be practiced every day so that you can write better in the future. Write as often as possible: on a blog , diary, or social media about you, your boyfriend, your experiences, or whatever you can put into writing. The more often you practice, your writing will be sharper, and you will also be able to be more free in expressing your thoughts,

3. Always write down your ideas
Wherever you go, always carry a small notebook with you. So, whenever an idea pops into your head, just write it down. Don't get used to waiting later, because those ideas easily evaporate from your mind. They can be story ideas, articles, and characters,

Also write down an interesting conversation you heard, a verse of a song or poem that moved you, or it could be a visual detail of the place you passed. When you reread this note, there may be parts that inspire you or it can be directly inserted into the story you are working on.

4. Create a writing ritual
Set aside a specific time in the day to write without distractions, and make this activity your routine. You can take it in the morning, noon or midnight. But make sure you do it every day for at least half an hour. Over time, you will have enough concentration and patience to write for a few hours per day. It will all help you become a better writer.

5. Write it down!
When your paper or screen is blank because you don't know what to write, don't be tempted to do things that will distract you — like checking Facebook or boiling instant noodles. Do not. Keep moving your fingers and start writing whatever comes to your mind.

Once you've started, the next process will be easier. Just let all ideas flow, and do it without expecting it to be perfect. Everything can be fixed later. Most importantly, stay in your flow. The key is to get started.

6. Eliminate all distractions.
Writing will not go well if there are many things that distract you, such as noise or multitasking. Writing needs to be done in a calm and distraction-free state.

Turn off instant messaging apps, e-mail, cell phones, TV, and clear your desk. Lock your bedroom door: make sure no one can interrupt you while you're writing.

7. Plan what you want to write, then pour it out.
If point 5 above is to force you to write from the void, planning means that you already have an idea that you want to write about. It can be useful if you already have one before you start sitting down and writing. You do not need to wonder anymore was looking for ideas for writing, because the process b rainstorming you have done earlier.

8. Experiment
Following in the footsteps of great writers does not mean imitating them exactly. Try new things, take part in a variety of your favorite authors and experiment with your own writing style. You can try or even find new words. Trying many things will make you rich, and you will find which one suits your style .

9. Revision
Now, when you've managed to put your ideas into text, experiment, and let it all flow, you need to go back and reread what you've written.

Many writers are reluctant to revise because it is considered time-consuming. But if you want to be a good writer, you have to realize that there is always something to improve on your first draft. Reread everything, correct the wrong paramasastra, wrong spelling, or sentences that don't fit and are confusing.

10. Make it concise
When you revise your writing, re-edit sentences and paragraphs. Get rid of the things that are not important and keep the essentials. Simple but clear sentences are better than long-winded sentences.

11. Use sentences that hit
After you can make sentences that are more concise and essential, focus on making sentences that hit the reader, which creates a strong impression and character. It doesn't have to be every sentence either, because you need variety. This is easier to do when revising your writing, because you may not have got the idea in the initial draft.

12. Get feedback
Once you're done with your writing, find people to read your writing: if possible a writer you think is more experienced or someone who reads a lot and can give you honest and intelligent feedback. Listen to them and understand well their every criticism, because that's what will make you grow further.

13. Make your writing so that it can be read by a wide audience.
If you already have a work, make it so that your work can be read by a wide audience. You can publish your own book as a book (you can publish your own book on sites like Nulisbuku ), or you can post it on a blog . Also promote the publication of your work through social networks so that more people read.

14. Try to be more communicative
There are various styles of writing. Some are standard and serious, some are casual and conversational. You have to be communicative aka know what your readers can understand and accept. Regardless, keep an eye on grammar and punctuation. It's easy when you get used to it.

15. Gives a strong impression at the beginning and end of writing
It's important for a piece of writing to have a beginning that can "steal" attention. If the first part of your writing does not hit the readers, they will be lazy to read the next part.

So once you've finished your initial draft, take a little time to put together a great start. Keep them interested in reading to the end. Don't forget to make a creative ending, so that readers look forward to your next writing.

So a writer can't be instant. Everything has a process, and it is through this process that you develop into a better writer. Most importantly, stay productive and keep working. Hopefully the tips are useful for you.




Hai, I’m Haris. I am a Writer living in Indonesia. I am also interested in reading and writing. You can read https://www.haris.eu.org/